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Ons referentienr : 9682481

Contacteer de verkoper
Professionele verkoper
Rock 'n Roll Classics
Adres Gistelsteenweg 4
8490 Varsenare (Brugge)
Tel. +32 50 737571
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Hoewel wij veel aandacht besteden aan de inhoud van onze website, is het onmogelijk om alle zoekertjes in detail na te kijken. We raden u dan ook aan om steeds alert te zijn voor bedrog. Koop nooit een auto zonder hem vooraf te hebben gezien en betaal vooral nooit op voorhand, per cheque of postmandaat, zelfs bij wijze van voorschot.

Hier vind je een paar adviezen om te vermijden dat je in de val trapt tijdens je zoektocht.
Merk Alfa Romeo
Model Giulia
Terugvorderbare B.T.W Nee
Brandstof Benzine
Aantal versnellingen 5
Aantal zitplaatsen 2
Aantal deuren 2
Met garantie 12
Technische informatie
Cilinderinhoud (cm3) 1570 cc
Aantal cilinders 4
Kw / pk 80 / 109

  • Highly desirable Letterbox-version
  • Fully restored
  • 'Veloce' top model

This beauty first graced the stage of the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1965, and it has been every true enthusiast's dream car ever since. And why shouldn't it be? This car has it all - style, performance, and unparalleled brand history. Designed by none other than Giorgetto Giugiaro of the iconic Italian design house Bertone, the Sprint GT was intended to be a sporty version of its predecessor, the Giulietta Sprint. And it certainly lived up to that

Our beautiful Alfa Romeo Sprint GT Veloce is a gem among driver's cars. After a thorough restoration several years ago, this car still shines in absolute top condition. The attached comprehensive photo report shows that the vehicle was completely stripped down to bare metal at the time and then rebuilt to its original specifications. Almost everything was also taken care of mechanically.
With her infrequent bianco body color and a black interior, she is truly a stunning sight. But its appeal is not limited to its looks. It is a real pleasure to drive this car, thanks in part to the nippy 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine that was completely taken care of during the restoration.

The condition of both the body and the interior can also be called sublime. As soon as you take a seat in the comfortable leather seats and hold the beautiful wooden steering wheel, it becomes clear that no detail was overlooked during the restoration. Every element of the interior has been finished with the utmost care and attention. From the chrome door handles to the fabric upholstery, everything has been taken care of down to the smallest detail
And as icing on the cake, this beautiful Alfa Romeo Sprint GT comes with not only the original "Guida dei Servizi" and instruction booklet, but also numerous photos of the restoration process.

In short, If you are looking for a very original but also a hugely qualitative and perfectly driving Alfa Romeo Sprint GT then this is the car to have.

Now available at Rock 'N Roll Classics

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