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TWEEDEHANDS / Land Rover 110 - 300 TDI

Ons referentienr : 9266283

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Professionele verkoper
Adres Senator A. Jeurissenlaan 1229-1231
3520 Zonhoven
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Hier vind je een paar adviezen om te vermijden dat je in de val trapt tijdens je zoektocht.
Merk Land Rover
Terugvorderbare B.T.W Nee
Brandstof Diesel
Aantal versnellingen 4
Aantal zitplaatsen 5
Aantal deuren 5
Met garantie 12
Technische informatie
Cilinderinhoud (cm3) 2500 cc
Aantal cilinders 4
Kw / pk 82 / 111

1998 Land Rover Defender 110 300 TDI Powered by the 2.5L 4 cylinder Turbo Diesel producing 111 bhp

The Land Rover car design takes us back to a beach in Wales, just after WW2. The very beginning of Land Rover itself is the fabled story of brothers Maurice and Spencer Wilks, sketching out the simple design of what would become an enduring and iconic classic 4WD vehicle. A simple design, because times were hard. Cause, well, the war. Materials, even the most basic ones, were hard to come by.

Hard times require a vehicle that is tough as nails. But with a dash of fun thrown in. Ready to tear up the nearest dirt road or a quick jaunt into town. Yes, even in winter. This is after all a car for hard men/women/people. However you identify, you can find yourself in this beautiful beast. Coping with hard times and having some fun doing it is in its bones. 73 years after its conception it is relevant as ever. Even if you don’t want to go hauling livestock. You can always drive it to the next Woodstock.

The example which we are presenting here today certainly looks ready for any type of adventure She was restored multiple years ago for a true Defender fanatic who has a whole collection of Defenders in all colours, sizes, engines, etc. He also gives all of his cars a name, with this one being called Sandy. Hence the colour. But sometimes he has to let one go to make room for something else…

You do not often come across a 5 door Defender 110. During her older cosmetic restoration, she has been repainted in this classic sand colour, which suits her very well. Her white roof and white wheels give her a cool contrast that will attract a lot of positive attention for sure. To complete her look, the spare tire has been mounted to the bonnet and a snorkel was fitted. Her paintjob is a 6 out of 10 and could have been done better, but she is solid underneath and you will not be afraid during an off road adventure for the branches.

Inside you will find a nice interior with reupholstered original seats, etc. In most cases, people decide to go for a leather interior during the restoration, so it is a nice surprise to come across this stunning cloth interior. A very cool twist that makes this Defender stand out for sure. She is clean and presentable inside and a lovely place to spend many fun miles with your friends or family.

Mechanically she is ready to hit the roads and the off road trails. She runs and drives like a true Defender 300 TDI. During her restoration she was fitted with a ZF automatic gearbox which makes her surprisingly comfortable to drive. This setup you normally find in a Discovery, but it has transformed this Defender into an even lovelier driving experience. You will for sure not be disappointed on your test drive.

Don’t miss your chance to own a great looking and driving example of a very iconic car. Get in touch for more information and a test drive.

Watch our current stock on our website.


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